Tradición aleada en México

Alloyed tradition in Mexico

The Mexican southeast alloyed in Silver

The Mexican southeast with its beautiful sunrises and enigmatic sunsets has stolen the hearts of many people throughout the world, because, in Mexico, each landscape is dyed with colors that transport a vivid memory that only exists in this mystic location.

Mexico has an unparalleled cultural richness and falls in love with anyone who has the pleasure of immersing themselves in its thick and vast nature. From its beaches to its jungles, everything that comprises and makes the Mexican southeast unique, is undoubtedly pure beauty.

That is why at Vicari we are inspired by the love we feel for Mexico and we work with goldsmiths from different parts of the world, achieving the perfect fusion between tradition and modernity, combining pieces with the soul and heart, resulting in precious jewels destined to enhance the beauty of contemporary women.

At Vicari we synthesize the love for what beautiful and we guarantee that each of our pieces has been forged with the best quality materials, an attribute that has made us stand out in the silver sector, keeping us more than 15 years offering elegance and sophistication.

Víctor Manuel Pelfini Bátiz